If you've got a vinyl sleeve...



That's right, your face+sleeve=Interesting face. Its a concept dreamed up by a few mates that led to them posting 15 images on their website, www.sleeveface.com. It's now grown to over 11,000 images being posted, coverage on national news, newspapers and a 'how to' video hosted by Huw Stevens of Radio 1 fame. Have a look at it now, it's well funny.
I saw a Smooth FM advert on the back of a bus yesterday that had totally thieved the sleeveface idea. It just doesn't work if you're using Adele instead of Bowie. I mean, Smooth FM?! Totally killed the concept for me.
I hope the sleeveface.com guys managed to milk some royalties out of that one.
And now there's a book
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